Submit an abstract for your presentation via email to: awms2022xian@126.com.
To allow all young participants to present, we accept "oral" and "poster" presentations. Please encourage your students and postdoctoral fellows to present their results!
Oral presenters will have 15~20 minute time for their presentation, followed by Q&A. We plan to life-stream all presentations via KouShare and leave them accessible for some time after the meeting. Please inform us ahead of time if your presentation contains confidential information that should not be publicly shared.
Because we cannot have a traditional poster presentation across all locations, we ask poster presenters to instead prepare a 3~5 minute slideshow, e.g., using the record slideshow functionality in Powerpoint. We will ask you to upload the presentation and organize a poster session, where we have 5 minute Q&A with each poster presenter.
Please use the template below and submit a 1-page abstract for the program by email to: awms2022xian@126.com. Include a photo if you like. This will make it easier for all conference participants to remember your name and face.
- .docx template (tested in Word2016)
- .odt template (tested in LibreOffice)
- .rtf template (Just in case...)
- .doc template (For old times' sake)